Sahara vs blackjack bermuda golf

Blackjack Bermudagrass offers a deep dark green color, strong drought tolerance, and quick traffic recovery. This low maintenance bermudagrass provides a carpet like density and once established has good cold tolerance.


Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Grass Seed

Sahara was one of the first attempts to find a genetic pure Bermuda. After over 40 years of production Common had changed with differences even in the production fields. These differences mean that not all Common Bermuda is genetically the same and for turf use Sahara offers a consistent product and is recommended over common for a Turf. Grow a Blackjack lawn from grass seed and enjoy the fast coverage and establishment. Blackjack bermuda seed produces a fine-textured, carpet-like, dark green grass turf. Over-seed an existing lawn with Blackjack, a top-quality variety, to add density and deep green color to your established warm-season turf. Description: Bermudagrass is a warm-season, fine-textured turfgrass that spreads laterally by rhizomes and stolons. It is an extremely drought-hardy, durable, and versatile turfgrass that can be used in many settings included golf courses, athletic fields, home lawns, and as utility turf.

Sahara Vs Blackjack Bermuda Grass

Sahara Vs Blackjack BermudaBlackjack
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Landscape Planting Rate: Plant in the spring at a rate of 2 lbs. per 1,000 square feet at 1/4 inch deep.

  • A 5 lb. bag should cover 2,500 square feet. (Or a 50' x 50' area.)

  • A 10 lb. bag should cover 5,000 square feet. (Or a 100' x 50' area.)

  • A 25 lb. bag should cover 12,500 square feet. (Or a 125' x 100' area.)